
Welcome to the official MUGSU Facebook page. Be sure to visit your student union website @

We are the Student Voice behind your University Experience.

For over forty years MUGSU have been fulfilling our aims and objectives by providing a wide range of activities and events as well as opportunities to engage in the University Community. Today’s MUGSU has a professional staffing profile that work with and assist a student driven Board to fulfil their strategic objectives during their term of office. A fun and vibrant organisation that is responsive to student needs why not get involved in any of our activities, events, clubs and societies, use our friendly services or even consider taking up the challenge of a Student Leadership Opportunity and running for the MUGSU Inc Board.

MUGSU; by the Students for the Students!

It's our duty to remind you to play safe online and on this page. When using Facebook and contributing to this page, play nice.

Respect other users, remember the rights and responsibilities of Facebook, and please, don’t ever provide personal information (such as your Student ID) on Facebook, or anywhere else online for that matter.

This page is authorised by the MUGSU Business & Marketing Coordinator and maintained by MUGSU Website & Publications Officer.

You can contact us by email at, by phone on 03 5122 6248 or via post at Bld 4N, Monash University Gippsland, Northways Rd, Churchill, VIC, 3842.

Monash University CRICOS Provider Number: 00008C
